
A Truly Global University: the UofN

The University of the Nations (UofN)

YWAM’s University of the Nations (UofN) operates in 650 locations in 160 countries, providing programs in approximately 100 languages around the world.

The UofN is committed to teach and develop men and women spiritually, culturally, intellectually and professionally.

The UofN aims to equip students to serve in all spheres of society and in all nations. The goal of the UofN is to teach students how to apply biblical truth practically and to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). Not theory alone, but the development of character and personality and practical experience are the main focus of the UofN.

The UofN offers Associate’s degrees, Bachelor’s degrees, and Master’s degrees from its seven colleges. The seven colleges have been designed to bring God’s truth and hope to the seven most influential areas of society. These colleges are:

There are also six interdisciplinary centers:

More info under

Upcoming second-level UofN courses in Germany:

School of Biblical Studies (SBS)

YWAM Nuremberg


YWAM Hurlach